Zoom Shot Pro – does it help you to make zoomed photos with your phone? Your reviews
Smartphone manufacturers are outdoing each other in developing smarter and better functioning cameras.
The mechanisms built into the phones try to catch up with compact digital devices and SLR cameras. Although there are several models on the market that can take really good photos, the truth is that a smartphone will never replace professional equipment.

The zoom offered by phones is usually digital zoom, i.e. a software tool that allows only the simulation of focusing light on one object, which results in blurred zoomed in photos. If a smartphone is equipped with an actual optical magnification, it is usually minimal.
Does this mean that if you want to take beautiful photos, you have to buy a professional camera? Not everyone can afford such an expense. In addition, compact cameras are much less handy and take up more space than smartphones, and not everyone wants to carry extra luggage while on vacation. Luckily, there are mobile monoculars, specially designed to enhance the quality of photos taken with your phone.
ZoomShot Pro Monocular for a smartphone. How does it work?
The ZoomShot Pro is a magnifying scope designed for photography-loving mobile phone owners. This smartphone-attached monocular works like a professional camera lens, allowing you to take clearer, brighter and better saturated photos.
ZoomShot Pro is a gadget that will allow an ordinary mobile phone to take good photos, almost like those taken with compact cameras. The wide aperture allows you to take clear, non-blurry, full-colour close-up, landscape and macro photos. The monocular has a function that allows you to focus the light rays in a way that will let you sharpen the photographed object and make it pop out from the background. The night vision function, on the other hand, was created with the thought of taking clear photos at night in mind. In addition, the pod attached to the ZoomShot Pro immobilizes the phone, allowing you to take perfect shots of objects at a distance.
The mobile lens is friendly not only to photography enthusiasts. The device can successfully replace binoculars or a telescope. Hikers, lovers of observing the night sky or bird watching enthusiasts will surely appreciate the advantages of this handy gadget. The lens is also perfect for more mundane activities. If you’ve ever attended a concert or a sports match sitting at the very top of the stands, you know how annoying it can be to not be able to observe exactly what is happening on stage or on the field. ZoomShot Pro, due to its small size, can be successfully used at all kinds of events, never miss the most important moments again.
ZoomShot Pro Features:
What do users think about ZoomShot Pro?
While scouring the Internet in search of consumer opinions about the ZoomShot Pro monocular, we came across a number of articles. Authors of those have attempted to evaluate the gadget. The fact that the vast majority of these texts carry a positive opinions doesn’t need explaining. The product has gained general recognition of buyers from all over the world, with the highest sales numbers recorded in: Israel, England, the United States, Ireland, Canada, Thailand, Romania, Japan and Sweden.
FAQ. Frequently asked questions about ZoomShot Pro
The monocular is extremely easy to use. It is compatible with any mobile phone model. You simply need to place it just above the smartphone’s camera and then connect the devices using the AUX cable. Taking pictures is a piece of cake. You just use the phone’s camera app for this, and ZoomShot Pro will do the rest for you.
The lens can only be ordered online via the official website. Currently there is a New Year’s special offer on, which will allow you to get ZoomShot Pro for only half the price.
Photography, astronomy and bird watching are high-cost hobbys. The purchase of a professional SLR camera, binoculars or telescope is often an expense that exceeds the budget of a beginner hobbyist. ZoomShot Pro is the perfect substitute for all three devices. It allows you to take breathtaking photos using a smartphone, and to carefully observe nature. A mobile, lightweight and inexpensive gadget will change the course of every trip.
does ot work as expected???
my husband and I love Croatia. We go there nearly every year. The Adriatic has a lot of islands that are hard to get to if you don’t have a boat. A monocular like this makes it easy to observe such unavailable places. And well, we could finally take beautiful photos, of course!
My brother’s birthday is coming up, and he loves gadgets. I think it’s a perfect gift for him. I’m not all that good with technical things. Is there anyone here who has used this lens? Is it worth buying?